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Writer's pictureSharon Sherbondy

The Transfer of Yokes

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

This is one of those favorite verses. When you read it you feel comforted and encouraged by Jesus’ words. They feel like a gift. Unfortunately, that’s not true for me. The more I’ve thought about these verses, the more I find them to be far from restful.

The yoke that Jesus is referring to is the interpretation of scripture that leads to a relationship with God. Each rabbi wrestled with and landed on his way to live according to the Torah. And, depending on which Rabbi you followed, you took up his particular yoke. Jesus, being a rabbi, himself, offered his yoke. And his yoke was, definitely, easier because it didn’t involve being tied to all 600+ laws. Jesus offered a completely different yoke, his yoke of only 2 commandments: 

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as yourself. 

Two simple commandments is all Jesus asks of us. But look at them! They raise a very high bar. A bar that commands us to, first, love God with every part of us - our heart, our soul, our mind. And to love others equally. It requires a moment by moment awareness in order to live a love that honors God and others.

In the tabernacle and temple there was a menorah. This menorah had 7 stems (versus the 9 for Hanukkah). The middle wick of the candle faced upward. The 3 wicks on each side faced toward the middle candle. One side represented knowledge; the other side, wisdom. I have one in my home. And it’s a clear reminder that every decision I make, every piece of information I gather needs to point to God. 

That’s a lot of concentration. Especially when I think of how often I make decisions. Decision on how I will respond, my choice of words, what I’ll read, watch and listen to, how I’ll spend my day. The state of my heart - am I feeling kind today or is it an eye-roll kind of day? And what kind of news and information am I taking in? What do I do with that information? Am I bringing God into my opinions and thought processes?

To live this kind of love is a monumental task, a huge undertaking. And one in which I fail miserably more than I care to admit. Each evening as I review my day with God, so much of it is confession. Showing him the clear wear and tear of his yoke. But the beautiful thing about Jesus is his forgiveness. Followed by, without hesitation, him presenting me with a new yoke, trusting me to wear it again. And again and again.

A while ago, a friend gave me a book of liturgies, “Every Moment Holy.” I didn’t really have a clue about them due to the fact that my Baptist and non-denominational experience didn’t include those. But she just felt that this was a book that I would love. And she was absolutely right. To the point that I read a liturgy each morning and evening and in between when opportunities call for it.

I find my evening liturgy to be so healing. Because as I read it, the transfer of yokes takes place. My shredded one for a fresh one.

Indeed it is my desire to serve you well in this day, O God, but I have again fallen 

short of your righteousness in my thoughts, my intentions, my actions, and my 

utterances. I have responded at times without grace. I have chosen sometimes 

that which is unprofitable and which leads neither to my own flourishing 

nor to the proclamation of your glory. Forgive me, O King, for treasons 

both known and unknown. Forgive me for the harms I have done this day, 

and for the goods I might have done but failed to do; forgive me also for the 

constant condition of my heart, for the self-serving impulses, inclinations, 

and desires which stand me every moment in the need of a savior.

How graciously you receive my repentance!…

Now may the grace of your forgiveness, which blooms evergreen for me, 

work powerfully in me, changing me into a better image-bearer of Christ 

and a more faithful servant of my king….

O God, drive me daily to the arms of Christ, wherein the enormity of 

your mercy and the scandal of such grace lavished upon me would 

birth in me a new and greater affection for you, and a new and greater desire 

to do that which pleases you. Somehow use even my weakness for your glory….

Now hear these words of favor, O child of God: All these sins you have

truly repented of, he has eternally forgiven. They will never be held

against you. You are free to love and to serve him in joyful assurance, knowing 

his grace will always be more than sufficient to your own failings.

Thanks be to Christ for this glorious gift!


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