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Writer's pictureSharon Sherbondy

The Miracle of Joy

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-3

This is a verse that I’m not particularly fond of because it means that I will be facing some pretty challenging times, specifically because the verse says “whenever” and not “if.” But it’s a verse that must be held onto and believed in. It is, without a doubt, a lifeline and, let me tell you, that it does hold true because I’ve seen with my very own eyes the outcome of such perseverance. And it really was pure joy.

It’s called “The Miracle League.” It’s a league for kiddos with disabilities. It’s played on a field designed just for them. They get assigned a team with its name on their shirt, hat and bat, and they get their very own high school buddy to support them as they play the greatest game of all time - baseball. I had no idea what I was about to experience, but it didn’t take long for tears to fill my eyes as joy overwhelmed me.

Before the game begins, every kid is announced with their name and picture on the marquee. Every time they come to bat, their song is played. Which took a minute for me to figure out, especially when I heard Dean Martin singing, “Jingle Bells.” The songs were as diverse as the kids. From Dean Martin to Van Halen’s “Jump” to Eva’s choice of artist, Taylor Swift, singing “Shake it off.”

The game consisted of 2 innings and, of course, every kid got to step up to the plate. They swung for the ball either from a slow pitch or on a stand or, as with Eva, swinging for the ball with the help of her buddy. Once the ball is hit - and there’s no counting of strikes, no time limit - the player takes off (with his/her buddy). Running, walking or rolling in their wheelchair. Some go to first base and stop; others just keep on running. Some around the bases, some through the field. And every time they make it to home plate, the umpire announces with great confidence that the player is safe.

It was an extraordinary experience. I don’t think I had ever felt quite the joy as I did during these 2 innings. Everyone was cheering for everyone. There was no pressure, no expectation, no fear. It was simply cheering and jumping and expressing joy.

For me, I think it held even more depth of emotion. From the first day of Eva’s accident I have watched Dugan and Linds persevere. Through their fears, through their sleepless nights, through great uncertainty, through their trust in God. For those who haven’t experienced or observed families with kids with special needs, you really can’t imagine how hard life can be. Sometimes wondering if joy would ever actually come. But joy has come for them. Many times and in many ways. Joy redefined and joy that is, most definitely, pure.

As I stood along the fence with parents of these special kids, I couldn’t help but think that I was living in my own Hebrews 11 - standing amongst heroes. They live a life of perseverance, both for their kiddos on the field and for their other kiddos off the field. I was so honored to stand among them as they demonstrated for me what perseverance looked like and what pure joy feels like.

I know we’re not to mess with scripture, but I just want to add a few words to what James wrote.

Not only consider, but count on, pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-3

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2 комментария

12 июн. 2023 г.

I love this! Such an amazing ministry! Great perspective!


12 июн. 2023 г.

“Joy redefined.” SO much in those two words. We still have so much to learn as we travel this life, following our Savior…

Thank you for sharing this. Grace and peace to you & your family. And even more pure joy. 💗

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