It was during one of my early visits to the hospital that I heard it playing on Linds’ Spotify. We were all reeling with the news of Eva’s Traumatic Brain Injury and feeling completely lost and afraid. And clinging to hope wherever we could find it. As I listened to the song I turned to Eva and said, “Baby Cakes, this is your song. I’m going to play it every time I’m here. And we’re going to fight.” The song? Fight Song by Rachel Platton.
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now, I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
As year one came to a close I decided Eva needed a new song. It was time to get re-inspired and the perfect place to look was, of course, to the musical “Zombies.” My Year.
Been waiting for this moment
Yeah I'm gonna own it
You can watch me shine
This is gonna be my year
My year my year
This is gonna be my year
It was the end of year two, I think, when we all realized that a complete healing was not going to happen soon or at all. But that didn’t stop Eva (or us) from choosing life. Every day. We were all in and ready to make this a year unlike any other. So it seemed appropriate to turn to Disney’s “Girl Meets World” and their theme song, Take on the World, for year three.
I feel all right, I'm gonna take on the world
Light up the stars, I've got some pages to turn
I'm singin' oh-oh-oh
I've got a ticket to the top of the sky
I'm comin' up, I'm on the ride of my life
I'm singin' oh-oh-oh
The close of that year felt more worshipful with Eva choosing life with every breath she took. I heard this song by Shaun Johnson and Chad Truman. In the quietness of the evenings that Eva and I spent together, we played this often, and found fresh hope with every listen. Glorious / Warrior / Rise Up
'Cause I'm a warrior, I fight for my life
Like a soldier all through the night
I'll never give up, I will survive, 'cause I'm a warrior
And I'm stronger, that's why I'm alive
And I will conquer, time after time
I'll never falter, I will survive, I'm a warrior
A needed song that, unknowingly, prepared us for year four. This was a tough time for Eva as she battled aspiration pneumonia on more than one occasion. It came to the point where a tracheotomy was necessary. I thought of songs of breath and life. But a fresh dose of hope was required and I found myself sharing this oldie but goodie with Eva, sung by voices that float you straight up to heaven. Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Pentatonix.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true
As we move further into year five, Eva has stabilized and continues to live life to the fullest. In fact, the greatest gift that she gives me on a daily basis is her smile. They truly turn darkness into light, bad attitudes into good and sadness into joy. And all it takes is three little words: “Hi Baby Cakes.” And then the magic happens.
"Amazing love, how can it be?" Eva pours out love in her smile, and so do you, Sharon. Thank you for this joyful montage of smiles, yours and Eva's. XO