There were so many memorable moments when Dugan and I toured Israel years ago. But the one that stood out to me the most was a cave. As we arrived at it, I couldn’t see anything until we bent down and saw an opening. An opening that took us underground into a large open area. Once we all made it in, we were then introduced to what was once a “stable.” A place for animals. A place, a cave, similar to the kind that Jesus was born in. And laid in a manger.

This is one of Lindsay Letters newest Christmas pieces. She calls it “Cozy Nativity.” But to me, it’s so much more. From the moment I laid eyes on it, it evoked a multitude of emotions in me.
First, is the fact that the cave takes up just ¼ of the picture. Which feels true. The cave we visited was located in a very large area. With other caves throughout it. Which means that when the shepherds came looking for Jesus, I wonder how many caves they stopped at first before they found Jesus. Even with the beautiful star and its light shining down, that light covered a large area, so a game of hide and seek most likely became necessary.
And then the vastness of the scene. ¾ of the picture is the land, the sky, the star, the angels. How magnificent the night sky had to have looked on that particular evening. There is no doubt that others saw it, but may have only taken in its beauty, never going so far as to see its greater purpose. That purpose leading to Jesus, God’s son.
Then there’s Jesus born in a cave. Hidden underground. Contrasting that to the day of his death. Crucified in the most public place possible - the road in and out of Jerusalem. This speaks to a deep part of me, to the life I live.
In many ways, the Jesus in me is sometimes hidden. Moments when I don’t behave like a Christ follower. When I slander, judge, hold onto unforgiveness, think and live selfishly. In those moments Jesus is hidden below ground, away from the world around me.
Which leads to my sin on display for all to see. When my words and actions hurt others; whether they’re standing in front of me or not.
But the message of Christmas is that if I seek Jesus and His love, keep looking, keep believing what I’ve been told, I will find him. I’ll find him in the most unlikely of places. Because with God it’s very personal. It’s an invitation to come and seek. To go beyond the beauty of the night and find, for myself, where Jesus is. Where Jesus is in the midst of my work, my down time, my family and friends, my pain, and my joy. He invites me to step down into the light of his love and to experience a relationship with him unlike I’ve ever had before.
Lindsay’s art is located in my home where I can see it the moment I walk in and right before I leave. My very own Mezuzah. Coming and going I see Jesus, asking me to come find him and then tell others about this life that he has given me. Which clearly makes me a shepherd. A shepherd in search of the Good news about a Savior that has been born this day. To me.
Well, Sharon, this is amazing and full of love. I have never been to Israel, and maybe I never will, but I thank God for your words and Lindsey and her art ministry. I'm getting this for Dave and me and my kiddos so everyone can enjoy it. I will also share your post with them. I love you very much and appreciate your writing ministry and all you do for God's kingdom on Earth. XO