There was a question that was asked when I was in my 20s and 30s…and maybe my 40s. “Where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years? And my answer to that question each year or decade was…”I haven’t a clue.” I really didn’t. And I’m so glad I didn’t because everything that I have done in my life was nowhere near what I could have come up with. Everything I’ve done, both personally and professionally, was never anything I aspired to, trained for, or was ever even interested in. Opportunities came and, apparently, I said yes.
In my 20's I lived in the Dominican Republic for 2 years. I became an actor and writer for Willow Creek Community church. That continued for the next 25 years.
In my 30s and 40s, writing and acting took me around the world to Spain, France, England, Germany, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii. I homeschooled my kids. Moved into directing and producing dramas and events.
In my 50s I started my own business, Truth Driven Drama, which led me to a church where I started a whole new career - Director of kids ministry. This included not only leading the ministry but (with a fabulous team) writing, directing, and producing kids’ church curriculum.
In my 60s I found myself living in a variety of different places, directing kids ministries wherever I went: Illinois, Arizona, Tennessee, Colorado and now Wisconsin. Oh and I also jumped out of an airplane. Oh and I also spent 10 days in Israel.
In the last week and a half, alone, I have taken ballroom dancing, experienced Goat Yoga, and rode an electric bike for the first time. A bike in which I couldn’t make a turn, thereby crashing into a fence AND living to tell about it. Next week…I’m trying La Crosse for the first time.
In 8 weeks I’m going to turn 70. And let me tell you, this number has hovered over me. For a while I was depressed, thinking my life was about to change, and not for the good. But then a few weeks back, I woke up and decided that that’s not how it’s going to be. My 70th decade is going to be good, if not better than what it's been. Starting with a big party - a party celebrating life. And then following that…who knows.
This past week I have been wondering if I should set goals for myself. “Where do I see myself in 10 years?” Well, I sure don’t want to be coasting, surviving, or waiting for the end to come. But as I thought about my life up to this point, I don’t think I should answer the question. Leaving my life open ended has led me to incredible experiences. God has led and shocked me throughout my life so why in the world would he stop now? The number 70 has no bearing on the fullness of life or relationships or ministry.
Good heavens, look at the key characters in the Bible. Abraham was over 100 when he launched the nation of Israel. Enoch was a prophet for all of his 365 years. Noah was also over 100 when he was constructing the ark. You get the picture. God pays no attention to age, unlike our culture. He’s just looking for someone to do his work, love his people and live life to the fullest.
Well, I am ready and still willing. So, God, bring it on. I’ve got a lot more “yeses” in me!
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