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Writer's pictureSharon Sherbondy


Joseph had a dream. He and his brothers all had bundles of grain, but the brothers’ bundles bowed down to Joseph’s bundle. Then he had another dream. The sun, moon and stars bowed down before him. Pharaoh dreamt that seven scrawny cows ate seven healthy cows followed by seven shriveled stalks eating seven healthy stalks. Crazy dreams! And I’m a big fan of them. I love figuring out the meaning of dreams. Because dreams have endless possibilities in giving vision and peace and hope.

I bought a book years ago called “Understanding the Dreams you Dream” and I’ve used it many times to help others, as well as myself, understand a dream. Dreams are a puzzle to figure out because as Joseph and Pharaoh demonstrated, nothing is as it appears. Everything represents something or someone. From colors to numbers to buildings to animals to vehicles to people, to well, just about anything. And, lest we forget, there are also dreams given for others, such as a little barley cake representing a future warrior and judge of Israel - a dream dreamt by an enemy concerning a little guy named Gideon.

Whenever someone asks me to help them figure out their dream, I grab my book, paper and pen and then start asking questions. As we work through it, I’m always asking if anything is beginning to resonate. Because dreams are tricky and usually surprise us with what is being revealed. So you pay attention to everything, but especially the heart of the person. There’s also indications that a recurring dream is revealing something of significance. 

This past week I had three identical dreams. For 3 nights in a row I dreamt that all my thoughts were typed out in closed captioning. In block letters. Even as I was awakening, my thoughts continued and the words kept typing. Not a word was spoken aloud, in my dream, for 3 nights. It was just me. Closed Captioning. Nothing but my stream of thoughts.

To say I was baffled is an understatement because nothing in my little dream book gave me any idea of what in the world was going on in my mind or my spirit for those 3 nights. No closed captioning was in the book. As I went to sleep the 4th night, I wasn't sure what to expect. And I’m happy to say that I didn’t dream. I did, however, come to, what I believe, is some understanding. And it seemed to be clearly God's encouragement to me for this journey that I’m currently on.

I am not one who trusts myself all that well. I hesitate to comment or respond or, well, certainly ever debate. I’m leery of trusting that what I think might be right or helpful. Thus, some of the reasons that I’m in counseling. I’m afraid to move forward in some areas of my life for fear that I’m misreading or misunderstanding or will say or do the wrong thing. So it’s easier for me to keep certain doors closed so I don’t face the risk of saying or doing the wrong thing. Or spend time beating myself up for what I did say or do or didn’t do.

During that 4th night of sleep, I sensed God’s presence. Telling me that I can begin to trust my thoughts to the point that, one of these days, I will be able, with confidence, to give voice to those thoughts. That I am or have become someone who can be trusted because I’ve learned and am learning to speak in wisdom and humility. With a little confidence thrown in. God is encouraging me to begin to trust my thoughts to the point of one day vocalizing them. 

Well, I awoke that next morning, no kidding, with a smile on my face. Because what I had uncovered felt true and it was certainly one of the kindest things that God had ever said to me. Or done for me. To take the time to enter into my sleep; a place where I can’t argue or hide or wallow in my insecurities. But, instead, be fully there to experience one of the most wildest dreams I’d ever had, all so God could let me know that he trusts me. And that I could trust myself.

Talk about a boost in confidence. The Creator of the Universe trusting me and my words. I gotta tell ya, I had a little strut in my walk that day. I have since returned to normal because the time of voicing those thoughts has not yet arrived. But I am ready to keep moving forward, knowing that God is helping me, so grateful for the attention and the growth and the work that God is doing in me. 

Dreams. I’m a big fan of them.

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